Missing the scent of your tree...?

Happy New Year FieldDay Friend!
Although the Christmas decorations are down, I always feel sad getting rid of the Christmas tree. It's such a shame! And after a few weeks drying in our warm kitchen, it smells SO good now; all herbal and aromatic. So it's still up with just a string of fairy lights, and I'll enjoy the gorgeous woody scent just a wee while longer...
Eventually I'll bring it to the Kinedale Donkey Sanctuary in Ballynahinch, where the donkeys chomp and roll on them, apparently their pine needles are full of Vitamin C.
So if you're missing the scent of your Christmas tree, you'll be pleased to hear we're popping in a Free Fir Sachet with all online orders this weekend.
Yes, you read that correctly, a Free Fir Sachet with all orders!
We also have some Winter and Fir Scents left in stock... but be quick, once they're gone, they're gone until next Autumn!
Hopefully that's enought to brighten up this chilly first week of January for you!
Love Team FD
(Products now sold out)