My Irish Escape

This is our family cottage in the Mourne Mountains. It’s a traditional Irish cottage dating back to 1700’s, that my parents Rosemary and Stanley bought in 1976. It was tumbledown, overgrown and in a bad state of repair. Everyone thought they were mad. Years of sweat, blood and tears were poured into carefully renovating and restoring it to the place we escape to whenever we can!
It really hasn’t changed much since then. My kids now sleep in the bunk-beds I did, under the same ancient ‘Wombles’ bed linen and patchwork quilts.
No TV or WiFi means a total detox from iphones and Netflix 😱The first 24 hours are the worst. Then you start to roll with the good stuff; like doing nothing, reading books, squabbling over Monopoly, and deciding what time to light the BBQ and crack open the crisps and wine…
Surrounded by fields, rivers, mountains and coastline; it’s field Narnia for a field geek like me, and unsurprisingly the source of inspo for much of what we do at FieldDay.
Best of all the kids love it as much as we do. Although there’s always tears when we leave, the lure of PS4 and SnapChat soon kicks in on the journey home!
I've always used diffusers in the bedrooms and bathroom at the cottage, to keep the place smelling fresh when we aren't there. I love getting a hit of Linen Diffuser when we unlock the back door.
Diffusers are super in this warm weather, which although gorgeous, is possibly not *ideal* candle burning weather. Our diffusers will gently fragrance your home for up to 16 weeks - thats from now until November! Oh and did we mention they're vegan and made from and eco-friendly solvent too? 🌿
But as always, don't take our word for it...
"The Linen Diffuser is a very fresh smelling, original scent; everyone in the house loves it and my guests comment on it too!'
- Kate Bell
Have a lovely weekend wherever you are.
Take care
Alix + Team FD